Friday, September 4, 2009

What a Week!

We have had a fabulous first week in 5S! The children have settled in brilliantly and are connecting with new friends and old. We have started to do some work on spelling and vocabulary and we have read and talked about current events. The children also worked on some Canadian Geography and started creating self portraits. In music, the Grade 5's are practicing the Collingwood School Song (see photo) to prepare for upcoming assemblies. Needless to say, we have had quite a busy first week!

Some "housekeeping" items:
-You will find your child's timetable in his or her Agenda tonight
-A reminder regarding Comfort Kits: Updated or new Comfort Kits are due back to the school on 18th September. Detailed information regarding the Comfort Kits can be found in the Prep Talk Newsletter, page 10.
-Starting next week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, the children should come to school dressed in their PE strip and bring their uniform in a bag.
-On Wednesdays, the children should come to school dressed in their #1 uniform for assembly and bring their PE strip in a bag for Spirit.
-If your child is going on a playdate, please could you email me or send in a note just so I know that it is authorized by you. Many thanks in advance

I hope you have a lovely long weekend. See you next week!

Mrs. Scobie

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