Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Vancouver Art Gallery and a few reminders

Welcome back, everyone! We have already had a very busy first few days back from the holidays. Yesterday, we went on a fantastic outing to the Vancouver Art Gallery. The children had a guided tour of the Leonardo da Vinci exhibit, "The Mechanics of Man" and the contemporary exhibit entitled "Visceral Bodies". All three docents that led our groups were extremely knowledgeable and adept at engaging the children in the various works of art. Many thanks to Anita, Claudia, Katherine, Cathy, and Carolyn for being group leaders and being so incredibly helpful!

The next few weeks are quite busy so the following is a list of upcoming events/dates to remember:
-Thursday 15th April (tomorrow) Grade 5 Science Fair from 5-6pm in the Grade 5 classrooms and hallway
-Thursday 22nd April Earth Day Civvies-children to wear civvies and bring a toonie to support the "Build a School in India" Fundraiser
-Wednesday 28th-Friday 30th April Grade 5 Camp at Camp Squeah

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