Friday, March 26, 2010

Public Speaking Semi Finals and Water Lilly Water Colours

The Semi Finals of the Public Speaking took place today and I am so happy to announce that Bella and Stephanie achieved silver and Spencer achieved gold! Well done to all the public speakers!

I have also posted some photos of the children's lovely water colour paintings of water lillies. They are on display outside the classroom if you would like to take a look.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Scobie

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Starch Lab

Today the children took part in a lab experiment on how the digestive enzymes chemically digest starches in the mouth. The boys and girls each chewed a saltine cracker and then held it in their mouth for 5 minutes. They took note of how the taste changed over the 5 minutes. We discovered that the taste of the cracker became sweeter the longer it was in the mouth. This is due to the fact that amylase, the digestive enzyme found in saliva, chemically digests the starches in the cracker, breaking them down into simple sugars. Here are some photos of the children at work.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Public Speaking

Well done to all the girls and boys in 5S for their outstanding public speaking presentations today. They each presented their speech to the judging panel and the judges mentioned how impressed they were with the quality of the work. Many thanks to Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Manthorpe, and Mr. Barton for judging for us this morning. Well done to Bella, Spencer, and Stephanie for moving forward to the semi-finals on Friday!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Public Speaking and Agendas

Dear Parents,

What a morning! Thank you very much for coming to watch the children's speeches today. I am so proud of each and every one of the boys and girls--they were fantastic! As I mentioned this morning, they have all made so much progress over the course of preparing and presenting their speeches. Today was their best performance yet! The judged round for our class is on Monday 22nd March. The judges will pick three children to go through to the semi-finals. We will have one more practice in class tomorrow so I have asked the children to remember to bring their cue cards

On an separate note, it has come to my attention that some of the children are not being as diligent with writing in their agendas as they should be. Each day, they are expected to copy the homework and reminders off the board in their agendas and I set aside time to do so. I spoke to the children today and told them I will be re-instating agenda checks until we get back on track with everyone writing in their agenda every afternoon. I hope that this helps :) Please do let me know if you notice any further "agenda issues".

Many thanks again for today. It was lovely to have you all in the classroom.

Kind regards,
