Monday, November 30, 2009

Picasso Project

On Friday, the boys and girls completed an art project in the style of Pablo Picasso. We read a story called "Picasso and the Girl with the Ponytail" and discussed his many styles of painting and sculpting. The children created two faces, which they cut into pieces in order to construct one face in the style of Picasso. The results were fantastic! Here are some some photos.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Working on our Iqbal Character Sketch Projects

The children are hard at work on their projects on a character of their choice from our class novel, Iqbal. They are conducting research on-line as well as from their novels and class work to date. Here are some photos of the boys and girls preparing notes on their character.

You will have seen a "home" Iqbal assignment come home last night (a pink sheet of paper). The children have been asked to research the layout of Hussain Khan's factory (using their novels) and create a diorama. They must also write a paragraph explaining how they constructed their project. This is due Friday 4th December.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our Classroom: Update

Here are a few photos of some of the children's work and artwork decorating our classroom. Enjoy!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sydney Olympic Torch!

We were extremely lucky today in 5S to have Jessica's dad, Mr. Ryan, come and talk to the boys and girls about Olympics and specifically, the Olympic Torch. Mr. Ryan has been involved with Sport and the Olympics for years and he shared his experience and knowledge with the children. In fact, he was an Olympic Torch Runner for the Sydney Olympics and he brought his torch in for the children to see. The boys and girls had lots of questions about the history of the Olympics and the Olympic torch. Everyone learned a few interesting facts about the torch such as there is a "back up" flame that travels with every runner in case their torch becomes extinguished. 5S would like to thank Mr. Ryan very much for his visit.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The VSO Trip and Socials "Study Groups"

Today we went on a brilliant trip, organized by the Music Department, to the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. The VSO designed a wonderful programme which was a "trip around the world" theme featuring pieces from Canada, the USA, Mexico, Austria, China, Russia, and South Africa. The South African piece had lyrics as well, which the children had practiced leading up to this trip in their music lessons. It was wonderful to hear all the children singing with the VSO!

In Social Studies today, we talked about the upcoming test (this Thursday 19th November) and we looked at an outline of the type of information that will be on the test. Then, the children broke up into "study groups" and started to revise some of the material on the study guide. I was so impressed with how well the boys and girls worked together to revise the material that I took some photos to show you!